Now Selling On Etsy

Trying to Make Personal Strides- So I Started with Fake Plants

My Etsy Shop: How & Why & Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego (not answered)

Maybe it was the 900th person that suggested I start an Etsy shop that really got through to me...or the fact that I was making more fake plants than I knew what to do with...but either way, I finally took the plunge.
I was always terrified of selling my work because it meant involving money, which STRESSED ME OUT. I find monetary transactions so awkward and uncomfortable. Even something as simple as getting paid for babysitting always made me feel like I was scamming someone.
I need to get over that though because I can just feel myself getting shortchanged (no pun intended) in certain situations, and it's just a necessary life skill that everyone should have a handle on. Accepting money should be easy! (and fun). Hopefully, accepting money in exchange for something I'm truly proud of and excited to share will help ease this discomfort.

I dove headfirst into product photography, which was more tedious than expected. Of course, most things are more difficult than expected...
I did enjoy the end result though. It was so satisfying to get a good, professional looking picture of the piece. It's nice to be able to capture an accurate (and attractive) photograph of your work.

Here are some photographs I took of my creations, which you'll find on my Etsy shop, linked HERE

Direct Link to my Etsy Shop, Now Open:

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